Monday, April 20, 2009

Twitter and Fortune Cookies

You know the old joke made famous in an episode of “sex in the city” about the true way to read a fortune cookie by adding 2 words to the end. I'm thinking that's funny now for a couple reasons.

  1. fortune cookies are as American as apple pie. Invented in San Francisco they are largely unheard of in Taiwan and China, so fortune cookie jokes fall flat. When the IMF – some international banking thing – admitted China, US senators who supported it celebrated with a Fortune cookie photo-op. The Chinese thought it an odd American cultural thing and smiled. The Americans thought they honored a Chinese cultural tradition and grinned. Misconceptions were maintained bilaterally.
  2. Twitter forces me to use only 140 characters – including spaces and punctuations. Messages get reduced to what you could fit in a Fortune Cookie.
  3. You gotta add “with a 2 yr old” to a tweet from me – then it's funnier and more accurate.

If I were more clever I could reduce this to something more witty and pithy.

I'm liking Twitter at the moment. It works well for my needs traveling. I can keep multiple people updated, I can pull myself away from the more time-consuming blog, and access has been easier than email.

Soon I'm going to try tweeting a haiku.

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