Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Writing Instructional Materials

Found an online punctuation game from the creators of the book, Eats, Shoots and Leaves. It's fun - and I didn't ace it. While this book, and the assorted support material, promotes a conservative view of grammar, for students who haven't been exposed to the rules, it's a legitimate resource. I'm of the "descriptive" rather than "prescriptive" school, but appreciate both perspectives.

This as well as a vocabulary test, were found at Daily Writing Tips - an RSS feed/ blog that has some great stuff. It's not all grammar - it also lists places to get ideas for writing, advice for the divergent as well as the convergent aspects of the craft, and tips and tools for online writing. It's one of the best writing resources I've found, though for audio check out Grammar Girl.

I enjoyed the "Black board moments" post - though I disagreed with many of their alleged offenses against English. ("Blackboard moments" means occasions of usage that evoke a response akin to fingernails on a chalk board). What I find useful is the need for all teachers to acknowledge their own grammatical fetishes and share them with student writers.

The vocabulary test may never replace www.FreeRice. com for a fun way to learn vocabulary, (and it doesn't feed the poor) but it's another tool for androgogical kit. See also Chomp chomp grammar - an online grammar learning game.

If you have sites you like - share them in the comments.

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