Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Twitter anyone?

Twitter has gotten a lot of attention in higher ed and beyond lately. The Chronicle has a video on how a prof uses it for teaching, and not only is it widely considered a social justice tool, but also the L.A. Fire Dept. uses it (text and audio from NPR), the Nat'l Red Cross uses it in disaster response, and it was found more effective in saving lives during the Virginia Tech than conventional communication.

What is it?

The folks from commoncraft have a 2 minute explanatory video at YouTube, and Wikipedia breaks it down as well as anyone. In a nutshell - it's blogging in 140 keystrokes or less using primarily phones.

Why is it important?
Any texting savvy faculty and staff here? Anyone interested in using Twitter for academic purposes? Early alert?

Would you like faculty development information - opportunities, resources, etc. delivered thourgh twitter?

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