Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Using Email to Welcome Students

The in-service theme was Making Students Feel Welcome. Do that by sending them an email today - before you actually meet - and attach your syllabus to the email. Groups already exist in Groupwise. For additional how to click here.

Please insert hyperlinks to The KCKCC Writing Center or to the Math Tutoring Center in your syllabus and email the links. The process works similarly in MS Word and/or Email programs.

Never inserted hyperlinks before? You aren't alone - but it's easy, clear, and scores cool points with students. Here's how in Email: (1) click on View/ HTML. (2) Notice a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) tool bar appears.

Next: highlight text that you what to become a link (3) and then click on (4) the earth (as in "world wide") that has chain "links."
You'll get a pop-up window that asks for the web address you'd like to direct people too. Enter the address and it's done. The result is shorter, less visually busy, and should work better with ADA compliant mechanical readers.


Anonymous said...

Hi, Greg,

I'd love to email my class en masse, but the Groupwise I'm seeing on my home computer isn't like the one in your demonstration (see attached). Nor does it work the way you describe. Any advice?

How do you get the yellow "writing" on your images of screens?

Jennie D.

William James said...

Thanks for pointing that out - working so much at a desk - I don't use the web version too often, but many (if not the majority) use the web version exclusively. I've gotten 3 or 4 similar comments from faculty.

I'm going to ask around and figure out how it can be done.

As for the Yellow Writing and screen captures - I'll do a post on how to do that this week.